This page lists the full table of contents of the printed manual.
Acknowledgments iii
Roster of Reviewers iii
Roster of Contributors iv
Table of Contents vi
Introduction x
Some comments on the organization of this manual xi
Alphabetical Listing of All Rootstock xii
1 History of Grafting 17
2 Choosing a Rootstock 21
3 Rootstock Abiotic Terms Explained 22
4 Originators and Developers of Rootstocks 33
5 Apples 55
5.0 History of Clonal Apple Rootstocks 55
5.1 Spur and Non- Spur type Apple 56
5.2 Major biotic factors affecting apple rootstock selection 57
5.3 Ranking the apple rootstocks by commercial use 70
5.4 Apple rootstocks height 70
5.5 Some cautions 70
5.6 Extreme Dwarf Rootstocks in the ‘M.27' height range 71
5.7 Dwarf Rootstocks in the ‘M.9' height range 76
5.8 Dwarf Between ‘M.9' and ‘M.26' 91
5.9 Dwarf in the ‘M.26' height range 96
5.10 Semi-dwarf rootstocks between ‘M.26' and ‘M.7', 103
5.11 Semi-dwarf in the ‘M.7' height range 106
5.12 Semi-dwarf between ‘M.7' and ‘M.106' 112
5.13 Semi-dwarf rootstocks in the ‘MM.106' height range 113
5.14 Vigorous rootstocks in the height range of ‘M.111' 117
5.15 Standard height-full sized trees (many very cold hardy) 123
5.16 Other Malus as rootstocks 130
5.17 Apple interstem rootstock combinations 117, 118, 119 131
5.18 Apple rootstock trials in North America 134
6 Stone Fruits except Cherry 136
6.0 Stone Fruit History 136
6.0a Almond history 1 136
6.0b Apricot history 2 136
6.0c Peach history 3 137
6.0d Plum history 4 137
6.0e The Plum family 138
6.1 Rootstock Selection Criteria for Stone Fruit 138
6.1a Almond rootstock considerations 139
6.1b Apricot rootstock considerations 139
6.1c Peach and Nectarine rootstock considerations 140
6.1d Plum rootstock considerations 141
6.2 Biotic Factors affecting Stone Fruit rootstock selection 142
6.3 Ranking Stone Fruit rootstocks by height 151
6.4 Ranking the rootstocks by wholesale nursery catalog 152
6.4a More commonly used commercial rootstocks (United States) 152
6.4b Less commonly used commercial rootstocks (United States) 153
6.5 Descriptions: More commonly used rootstocks (United States) 153
6.6 Descriptions: Less commonly used rootstocks (United States) 167
6.7 International Rootstocks by country 183
6.8 Prunus species as rootstocks 215
6.9 Ongoing North American Stone Fruit rootstock trials 218
7 Cherry 219
7.0 Cherry history 1 219
7.1 Choosing a Cherry rootstock 220
7.2 Major biotic factors that affect cherry rootstock selection 221
7.3 Cherry rootstocks height 225
7.4 Ranking the rootstocks by commercial use in Wholesale Nursery Catalogs in the United States 226
7.5 Cherry rootstock descriptions 9A (alphabetical) 226
7.6 Cherry Interstems 8 255
7.7 Some promising new Sweet Cherry rootstocks in trial 54 257
7.8 Ongoing Cherry rootstock trials in North America 258
8 European Pear, Asian Pear and Quince 260
8.0 Pear history 1, 2 260
8.1 Abiotic considerations in Pear rootstock selection 261
8.2 Major biotic factors that affect Pear rootstock selection 263
8.3 Pear rootstocks height: 271
8.4 Ranking the Pear rootstocks 271
8.5 Asian Pear 272
8.5a History 272
8.5b Asian Pear rootstock considerations 16 272
8.5c Asian Pear rootstocks descriptions (alphabetical) 273
8.6 European Pear rootstock descriptions (alphabetical) 276
8.7 Quince history 32 291
8.8 Considerations of Quince as a Pear rootstock 291
8.9 Quince rootstock descriptions (alphabetical) 292
8.10 Perry Pears 300
8.11 Pear/Quince interstem combinations 301
8.12 Amelanchier used as a Pear Rootstocks 302
8.13 Pear rootstocks in trials; 302
9 Medlar 303
9.0 Medlar history 1 303
9.1 Diseases and Pests 303
9.2 Rootstocks for Medlar (by height) 303
10 Persimmon 305
10.0 Persimmon history 1 305
10.1 Considerations in Persimmon rootstock selection 305
10.2 Major biotic factors that affect Persimmon rootstock selection 306
10.3 Persimmon rootstocks, a discussion 308
10.4 Persimmon rootstock descriptions (alphabetical) 9, 10 309
10.5 Persimmon rootstock research 311
11 Chestnut 312
11.0 Chestnut history 1 312
11.1 Abiotic factors that affect Chestnut rootstock selection 313
11.2 Major biotic factors that affect Chestnut rootstock selection 313
12 Pecan 318
12.0 Pecan history 318
12.1 Considerations in Pecan rootstock selection 318
12.2 Specific biotic factors in Pecan rootstock selection 321
12.3 Pecan rootstock vigor guide 323
12.4 An important specific Pecan rootstock consideration 323
12.5 Pecan rootstock descriptions (alphabetical) 8, 9 323
13 Walnut 330
13.0 Walnut history 1 330
13.1 Abiotic factors that affect Walnut rootstock selection 1A 331
13.2 Major biotic factors that affect Walnut rootstock selection1B 331
13.3 Walnut rootstock descriptions (alphabetical) 4B 333
Sources 338
International Nursery Catalogs 338
Cited Sources 341
Other Sources 373
Appendices 405
Apple Cultivar (Scion) Vigor Chart 405
Almond Rootstock Compatibility Chart 408
Cherry Rootstock Compatibility Chart 410
Pear Rootstock Compatibility Chart 412
Stone Fruit Rootstock Compatibility Chart 414